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As you know, your income depends on other people. You give them something valuable and they give you money. So even if you think you have nothing to exchange, you have one valuable item that people want from you


"Approval and validation* are often far more valuable than material* rewards and are usually worked for far harder than mere pay."

-- L. Ron Hubbard (*validation: confirm something or someone is true, genuine) (*material: physical)


In a Gallup Organization poll of 2,000 workers, 69% said praise and recognition from their bosses is more motivating than money. Four out of five workers said recognition or praise motivates them to do a better job.


Studies by the US Army prove that soldiers improve their performance 90% of the time when pr ... Read more »

Views: 127 | Added by: charletteterron | Date: 10.08.2015 | Comments (0)