PR experts committed in luxury travel and spas in Singapore

Since 1994, Bacall Associates has been respected by a lot of individuals because of their professionalism and their competence. It is particularly a boutique public relations, marketing and sales support agency specializing in travel at the top end of the market.


Bacall Associates is passionate in launching and maintaining profiles for airlines, destinations, hotel groups, luxury developments, resorts and health retreats, and travel companies around the world.


Each of their incisive specialists has in-depth knowledge in the travel industry and has the ability of drawing on a wide range of media and industry contacts. Bacall Associates also brings a lifestyle advantage to their work by taking the message well beyond the t ... Read more »

Views: 115 | Added by: charletteterron | Date: 02.24.2016 | Comments (0)

I recently met a gentleman named Meir Ezra. We had coffee together a couple of weeks ago when I was in Florida.


Meir is an international entrepreneur with multi-million dollar businesses and clients in over 14 countries.


He was explaining to me that he offers seminars and coaching with guaranteed results. I was pretty skeptical of this, but when he explained just one of the techniques he uses to help his clients boost their income, it made a lot of sense to me.


I am a registered investment advisor and only bill my clients for results. Instead of earning brokerage commissions or kick-backs from selling mutual funds and insurance, I only make money when my clients earn a positive return. Of course, most individual investors are in the same boat, only rewarded by growing their capital. The bottom line is the bottom line f ... Read more »

Views: 119 | Added by: charletteterron | Date: 12.02.2015 | Comments (0)

"The condition of tomorrow's society is defined by the condition of today's children."-Meir Ezra

                             Founder of Parent Academy


Despite the prime basic love between parents and children, most families still suffer from the following problems:


  • The “generation gap effect” between parents and children
  • Major arguments with revolting children
  • Endless fights between siblings
  • Physical and verbal abuse
  • Foul language between the parents
  • Fights with the in-laws
  • And much more…


It seems there is no shortage of problems, yet there is a severe shortage of effective solutions.

  ... Read more »

Views: 123 | Added by: charletteterron | Date: 11.23.2015 | Comments (0)

Meir Ezra's latest business program, Guaranteed Prosperity, is helping clients and customers reach record results in record time. One of these clients from a retail company has reported major successes in a single day, doubling the amount of revenue and increasing productivity for her business ten-fold through the help of Guaranteed Prosperity and the compliment of their various life-changing seminars. Thanks to Meir Ezra's mentoring, as she recently reported she has been able to take charge of his business role and extend his success into all areas of her life.


This is only one example of the mission Meir Ezra's Guaranteed Prosperity has set to do: mentor companies as they quickly reach their full potential, breaking stereotypes and creating an honest, productive environment conducive to successful entrepreneurship. While working with clients, Meir Ezra assures them in a ... Read more »

Views: 145 | Added by: charletteterron | Date: 10.22.2015 | Comments (0)

What makes you happier than anything else you do? Where does real contentment come from?


If you understand and apply the following definition of happiness, you also open the door to unlimited success for yourself, your family and your group.


"Happiness could be defined as the emotion of progress toward desirable goals. There is an instant of contemplation of the last goal in which one is content. But contentment becomes boredom immediately that new goals do not come to view. There is no more unhappy thing than a man who has accomplished all his ends in life." — L. Ron Hubbard


Examine how three facts, from this definition of happiness, make happiness come and go in your life.


1. "There is an instant of contemplation of the last goal in which one is content."


Think of goals you have reac ... Read more »

Views: 166 | Added by: charletteterron | Date: 10.19.2015 | Comments (0)

“Everyone knows” the importance of strategic planning. However, in a survey I conducted, I found more than 99% of people cannot define what a strategy is and yet all those who have been asked, said they used strategic planning in their life.


The obvious question is – how can one do something he has no definition for? It is like me asking you to do “jigago” planning. Can you do it? Of course not. The same applies to strategic planning.


So everyone thinks they know what is strategic planning, yet, in reality, they don’t.


They mix strategy with tactical, operational, projects, targets and other things. It is all a big mishmash for them… BUT they have total certainty that strategic planning is vitally important.


Well, how do you become the ultimate strategist?


The first step would be to understand what is strategic planning, and th ... Read more »

Views: 109 | Added by: charletteterron | Date: 10.17.2015 | Comments (0)

Business Structures


People typically do a business structure with the Director on the top with different departments under it such as marketing, management, sales, accounting, legal.


Meir’s structure is a very LONG big chart of columns that is on a continuum – a cylindrical chart, like a barrel.  Steve Jobs got from E. Hubbard the cylindrical chart of 7 areas and Apple took off.


Every company needs 7 areas, even if the company is just one person.  The area that is the lowest defines our overall product. Shows what they need to produce and how to measure.


Everyone pushes to same direction so the energy is output, not input = no fighting.


7 areas of the cylindrical chart:


  1. Executive
  2. Human Resource
  3. S ... Read more »
Views: 139 | Added by: charletteterron | Date: 10.12.2015 | Comments (0)

As you know, your income depends on other people. You give them something valuable and they give you money. So even if you think you have nothing to exchange, you have one valuable item that people want from you


"Approval and validation* are often far more valuable than material* rewards and are usually worked for far harder than mere pay."

-- L. Ron Hubbard (*validation: confirm something or someone is true, genuine) (*material: physical)


In a Gallup Organization poll of 2,000 workers, 69% said praise and recognition from their bosses is more motivating than money. Four out of five workers said recognition or praise motivates them to do a better job.


Studies by the US Army prove that soldiers improve their performance 90% of the time when pr ... Read more »

Views: 126 | Added by: charletteterron | Date: 10.08.2015 | Comments (0)

Person Details


He is a husband to a beautiful wife for 25 years and a father to three amazing children.


He is an entrepreneur with years of experience across many fields.


He is currently the owner of a few high tech companies including -


Securant Inc: The world's leading anti-fraud fuelling system, and,


TimeMaker Leadership Software: The most advanced management software on the market - combining every aspect needed in running a company efficiently and effectively.


He is an expert public speaker on subjects ranging from management technology to how to be a better parent.


He is an inventor with many patents registered to my name.


He believes the reason people don't achieve their goals is mainly due to a lack of ability to plan. ... Read more »

Views: 116 | Added by: charletteterron | Date: 09.28.2015 | Comments (0)

Improving this single attitude makes your days fly by. You wake up excited to work. You make the right decisions. You get more done in less time.


Improving this attitude affects everyone around you. They believe in you, trust you and want to support you.


This one attitude can change your entire life for the better.


A vital attitude for you to constantly improve is YOUR PASSION.


On a scale of 1 to 10, exactly how excited are you right now? Do you really want to succeed? Are you thrilled with your goals for today?


If not, you must generate some passion for your day, your week and your career.




To succeed you must be a leader, if only a leader of one person: you.


"In all great leaders ... Read more »

Views: 116 | Added by: charletteterron | Date: 09.22.2015 | Comments (0)

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